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Barista Foundations

Gain fundamental espresso preparation and milk steaming skills

  • 8 hours
  • 475 US dollars
  • 4140 Morena Blvd, Ste A, San Diego, Ca

Service Description

Get the skills you need to become a barista with Barista Foundations from sdcti. Our team of skilled trainers are committed to providing comprehensive training to help you master the art of coffee-making. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced barista, our program will teach you the fundamentals of espresso and milk preparation, brewing methods, and customer service. With our expert guidance and hands-on training, you'll be ready to take your coffee career to the next level. Arabica and Robusta differences Freshness of coffee Influence of roast degree Grinder components Espresso machine components Safe us of grinder and espresso machine Cleaning and organizing Espresso recipes: SCA definitions and regional variations Grinder calibration and dosing Distribution and tamping techniques What is espresso Barista routine Extraction: describing and modulating flavor Milk steaming techniques: temperature, air and turbulence Drink-making: components and construction Safe and hygienic work practices Regular cleaning of equipment Impact of cleaning on drink quality and machine function The customer experience

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Thank you for choosing The Coffee Training Institute! We want to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for everyone. Please note the following important points regarding bookings, cancellations, and rescheduling: Booking Deadline: To maintain organization and preparedness, we close bookings 4 days prior to the scheduled class. This allows us to finalize arrangements and ensures that we can provide the best experience for everyone involved. Cancellation & Rescheduling Notice: If you need to cancel or reschedule your class, we kindly ask for a 48-hour notice. This policy helps us manage our schedule and offer your slot to other interested clients. Late Cancellations: Please be aware that cancellations made less than 48 hours before the class time may not be eligible for a refund or reschedule. Rescheduling Process: If you wish to reschedule, please contact us at least 48 hours in advance, and we will do our best to accommodate your new preferred timing based on availability. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can occur and we will strive to be as accommodating as possible within these guidelines. Your understanding and cooperation help us serve you and all our clients better.

Contact Details


Located in The WestBean Coffee Roasters 4140 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA, USA

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